Excite someone - do You feel that in your life is missing something, and this weighs on you, brings a feeling of insecurity. Perhaps, those feelings that are hidden you have in mind, a thirst to manifest itself fully. But, unfortunately, until they find a field for the realization. The words of the psychoanalysis, your libido to search for that object, that you would be able to transfer the overflowing of his mental energy.
The excitement in a dream

If you have a dream, that someone has been unleashed, it is evident from the fact that they try to attract a certain person, in a way that is much more close to you, now. Nostalgia, inability to be close to this person, a heavy load falls on the unconscious, so it is not a case that is in a state of sleep breaks, in conscience, to disturb the peace and irritate the mind, which does not want to know the availability of libido. However, follow the inner voice must, and this, in our opinion, it is a positive fact of human existence. Without answers gusts of libido, reflected in dreams, requires a payment, or a full response on the part of the consciousness, to bring the psyche into place, when all its components may not be able to cross the border to each other. Only in this case the man can be considered mentally healthy, and in the achievement of mental health is not the last role belongs the interpretation of dreams. The procedure itself - This dream indicates that in the vicinity there is a man on whom you can rely.
All of the problems that arise in front of you, you have to solve it on their own. The loneliness became a constant companion of man in the modern world. The chasm that separates people, it becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the road to reach the consent and to normal relations. The impression is as if they all speak different languages. The loss of the sense of existence and his individuality inexorably approaching, according to many scholars, the end of human civilization. In spite of this, apparently, the disastrous state of things, all is not lost.
For example, Carl Jung, pupil of Freud, the founder of analytical psychology, said that the output from the situation where he has had the misfortune to be a man, there is. He is trying to become a real personality. And this is possible only in the case in which a person is committed to self-knowledge, because we often, turning to look toward the knowledge, in fact, forget about your internal self-improvement and knowledge. The dreams, according to the psychoanalysts, as it once was and promote this positive cognitive aspirations.